** Commencement 2024 Information **

** Commencement 2024 Information **

澳门十大正规网投平台 任务, 愿景, Values, Strategic Goals

新墨西哥 Highlands University is a public, state-run institution located in Las Vegas, 新墨西哥, 在圣达菲设有中心, 阿尔伯克基, 里约热内卢牧场, 法明顿和罗斯威尔, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees. 认证 信息

任务 Statement, 愿景 Statement, and 核心价值观 


新墨西哥 Highlands University is a public comprehensive university serving our local and global communities. Our mission is to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate 学生 to attain an exceptional education by fostering creativity, critical thinking and research in the liberal arts, 科学, and professions within a diverse 社区.


Our vision is to be a premier comprehensive university transforming lives and communities now and for generations to come.


  • 卓越
  • 多样性
  • 可访问性
  • 响应性


Goal 1: Teach and mentor 学生 to integrate a broad range of academic skills, a breadth and depth of curricular knowledge, and an interdisciplinary understanding.

1.1 Maintain and build upon a core 课程 to develop a broad liberal arts education and transferable skills.

1.2 Teach 学生 to master competencies in their undergraduate and graduate programs of study with theoretical and applied knowledge in their areas of specialization.

1.3 Provide educational experiences that 促进 interdisciplinary understanding.

1.4 Recognize and acknowledge efforts of 教师, 工作人员, and 学生 highlighting strong demonstrations of pedagogy, 技能发展, 主动学习, 建议, 指导, 或者内容知识.

Goal 2: Inspire 学生 to action through environments that foster scholarship and produce graduates equipped to address 区域 and global issues.

2.1链接课程内容, 课程, and 课外学习 activities to understanding and addressing significant local, 区域, 以及全球问题(例如.e., infuse big issues and big ideas into discussion in all areas of campus life).

2.2 Develop 学生 into confident graduates with effective communication skills, 专业, and determination that prepares them to make informed decisions in pursuit of lifelong learning and professional success.

2.3 Encourage and support fieldwork, 实习, 校外实习期, practica, multi-institutional research projects, grant-related活动, and other related activities that broaden 学生’ horizons outside of the classroom.

 Goal 3: Engage with and serve our communities for mutually beneficial exchanges of knowledge, 服务及资源. 

3.1 Establish and 维持 a service learning, 公民参与, 课外学习, 社会正义, and 社区 network in collaboration for, by, 还有教职员工, 工作人员, 学生, 和地方, 区域, 以及全球合作伙伴.

3.2   Identify and prioritize strategic opportunities and partnerships for aligning university and 社区 needs and resources for mutual benefit.
3.3   Protect and 促进 rights to higher education for all 学生 in need.

Goal 4: Advance excellence in diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices.

4.1 Embrace our mission as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and emerging Native American-Serving Nontribal Institution (NASNTI) to increase the diversity of 澳门十大正规网投平台’s 教师, 工作人员, and administrators to better reflect the demographics of 新墨西哥 and our 学生.

4.2 .积极主动, 有意的, and ongoing engagement with intellectual, 社会, cultural and geographical diversity that leads to personal growth through 社区 engagement and curricular and 课外学习 programming.

4.3 Advance and 促进 a welcoming and inclusive university environment that recruits broadly, 支持股票, and improves diverse student, 教师, and 工作人员 retention and success.

4.4 Employ student engagement and success strategies for 学生 from diverse backgrounds to ensure persistence and completion through active and collaborative learning.

4.5培养, 促进, 维持, 评估, and improve multiculturalism and diversity initiatives throughout the campus 社区 in curricular and 课外学习 activities, 学生支援服务, 公民参与, and professional development.

Goal 5:  Be a comprehensive educational provider for all 学生 including traditional, 非传统, 在线, 距离, 社区, 终身学习者.

5.1 Develop guiding principles for becoming a more comprehensive educational provider that 促进s equitable student outcomes for all 学生 across 澳门十大正规网投平台.

5.2 Enhance professional development for 教师 and 工作人员 in effective use of technology to more effectively reach, 教育, and support all 学生 across 澳门十大正规网投平台.

5.3开发, 采用, and implement a process to research and address the need for new or modified academic degree, 专业证书, and 社区 interest programs.

